As a customer of Spurwood Studio, I may hold some information about you (your name, postal address, telephone number or Messenger contact). I never have access to your financial information when you make payments through PayPal or bank transfer. All sensitive financial information is held securely by the processing companies and they never share this with me, or anyone else.
How I collect information
I do not have a website or mailing list, nor do I distribute a newsletter. Whenever you order something online through my Facebook page or Messenger, you give me sufficient information about you to enable me to process the order.
Who has access to your information
As the sole owner and painter for Spurwood Studio, I am the only one who ever has access to your information, and I never pass this on to anyone else.
If you have placed an order via Facebook or Messenger, you can read their Privacy Policy here.
How I use your information
If you have placed an order for an item, or have ordered a commission, you can expect to hear from me using the contact information you have provided.
How I store information
I keep an electronic spreadsheet of all customers and those who are on the commissions waiting list or who use the Spurwood Studio service. This is held on my password-protected computer. I keep this spreadsheet solely for accounting and tax purposes (I need to keep all sales records for at least 6 years).
Your rights
You can ask me at any time what information I hold about you, and I will give you full details free of charge. You also have the right to ask that your details be deleted, transferred or amended. If you ever change your mind about what information, if any, you want me to hold on your behalf, just contact me at
Chris Birks